By: Lauren Caudill


“He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is LOVE.” – Song of Solomon 2:4

I have always loved this verse, because it reminds me that we are on God’s team. His banner is love, and we get to share that. Earlier this month, Guatemala celebrated Day of the Child, a holiday that simply celebrates children. So, over the past couple of weeks we have been celebrating the kids here at Hope of Life. We can teach these children to read, write and many other things, but without love what does it matter?

It can be easy to place children in a box, a norm or standard that we expect of them. However, each child was created differently and this is to be celebrated. Some children learn by hearing, and others learn by doing. Their differences are beautiful, because they show God’s glory.

Last week, we had a party for the younger children at the Village of Transformation, followed by a party for the older children. That morning, before the festivities began, I shared with my class how each one of them was created uniquely. They looked at their fingerprints, and I explained that God made each one of them special, and that He loved them.

There was also an arts festival this past week held for the middle and high school here at Liberty College. Each of the students’ art was on display for people to come see, and there was a program with singing and dancing performances. I got to see some of the teenagers perform with their classmates. It was another celebration of the kids’ creativity and talents. Here at Hope of Life, we will always wave our banner high, and that banner is love.