Yes, it is true. Sponsoring a child is a financial commitment.

But that’s only a small portion of this story.

Let us explain.

There’s more to the story than a $30 a month transaction, or a child moving from point A to B on the poverty spectrum. We, as people, don’t get to walk away without being affected.

As sponsors, we are a part of a relationship that is mutually beneficial, mutually encouraging, and mutually needed . . . even thought we don’t always realize it. 

It’s a relationship that thrives when both parties recognize and appreciate their need for one another – to support, to teach, to encourage, and to inspire. Let’s give our sponsored children a little credit . . . they have more to offer than we could ever imagine!

We cannot forget to share this side of the story.

The idea of even one life being changed is a beautiful thought; but stories cannot be experienced alone. Each one of our stories is composed of reflections—due to people who have poured themselves into us, molded us, invested in us; they have made us who we are. What would your sponsored child see if they looked into a mirror? Would they see their own story . . . or would they see yours as well?

This is why we believe sponsorship is changing the world . . . one child and one sponsor – at a time. Nurture that thought, that relationship, that child. You are affecting a life without even realizing it.

Share Your Story  

Will you consider sharing with others in our community about how sponsorship has transformedyou?

We can promise you this: There’s someone out there today who needs to hear it.