By: Chris McNutt

A few years ago, the Lord gave Paula and I a dream to provide the people in the village of Hope of Life and Causelife with an education and the opportunity to graduate from high school. To realize that dream, we started the “Mt Comfort Guatemala Child Sponsorship Program”. This program has impacted so many lives and it is a privilege to see lives being transformed every day. Last week, we were a part of a transformation that will forever be in our hearts. Franklin is a young boy that has meant a lot to us in our years in Guatemala. He has a great personality– he is shy and thoughtful and always wears a big smile. Due to many health problems and a learning disability, Franklin was unable to finish school. His mother works and Franklin also helps to provide for his family through our “Canasta Project”. When Franklin was a child, his left foot became infected and due to the severity of his infection, the doctors had to amputate below his left knee. Growing up, Franklin was often embarrassed and ashamed of his appearance. It is so hard being “different” when you are growing up. However, this did not slow Franklin down.. literally!

Every day, Franklin is zipping by on his crutches. So often we would try to help him by replacing his crutches or the tips of his crutches, but within a week he would wear a hole through the rubber tips. A few weeks ago we learned of an organization in Zacapa that made prosthetics. When we talked to Franklin about an opportunity to potentially receive a new prosthesis, he was overjoyed. He said that he wanted to walk without the crutches and that he was tired of the pain under his arms from using them constantly. Last week, through the support of our sponsors, Paula and I had the amazing privilege of taking Franklin to receive a new prosthesis. Franklin and his mother were overjoyed! With a new found confidence, Franklin walked back and forth across the floor of the prosthetic center. What an incredible blessing! As we walked to the car to return to Hope of Life, I carried Franklin’s crutches. He looked at them and said, “Can I throw these away now? I don’t need them any more!”

Sponsorship is so vitally important for these precious children here in Guatemala. Through sponsorship, you give the ability and means to change lives. Please consider sponsoring a child today and help make a difference for “the least of these”.  Matt 25:31-46