
Because of our commitment to you and the people Hope of Life serves, we carefully use the blessings you provide where the most good can be accomplished. We allow you to enter a dialogue with us about using the money you give, knowing that financial transparency and self-sustainability are two crucial goals of the work we do with your generous giving.

2019 Financials

By financial transparency, we mean that you have access to information about where your gifts are used, and you are able to visit and see the visible results of your help in people’s lives, and to know how much of your giving is spent on administration and planning. Because Hope of Life is your love in action, you will always see your desires reflected in our current work and future plans. In other words, your kindness will create real, viable and sustainable change.

Audited Financial Reports

Auditor's Report

Annual Impact Reports

IRS Form 990 Documents

2020 Form 990

2019 Form 990

2021 Form 990

2022 Form 990 (pending IRS approval)

A self-sustaining ministry is one that is free to act as our supporters choose, not bound by the goals and plans of outside funding sources who could limit or control the impact of your giving. Because Hope of Life is a 501c3 we receive no U.S. government funding, we rely totally on compassionate giving from friends like you—and this allows us to work towards the good that you want to see!

For more information about our Finances, or to request archive documents, please email