Meet Fidel and Orlando, two remarkable individuals who defied the odds at just nine months old. Read on to learn how they overcame severe acute malnutrition, found hope, and began their journey to health – a true story of resilience and recovery.

Life Before HOL:

Nine months ago, the twins faced dire circumstances. Living in a cramped space with their parents and six siblings, their living conditions were far from stable. Discovered at just two days old, the twins were in critical condition, weighing less than 2 kg each. Their survival was uncertain.

Why Intervention Was Crucial:

The urgency to intervene in San Lucas for the twins’ nutritional recovery was apparent. With a diagnosis of severe acute malnutrition, medical attention was crucial for their survival. Hope of Life International’s nutritional recovery center at San Lucas became a beacon of hope for the twins.

HOL’s Response to Their Needs:

The San Lucas nutritional recovery center played a pivotal role in providing Fidel and Orlando with the necessary medical and nutritional care. Born into challenging circumstances, the twins depended on facilities like Hope of Life International’s hospital to recover nutritionally. The comprehensive services offered allowed them to grow in a holistic manner, ensuring they received all the essential nutrients lacking in their community due to economic constraints.

Life After Intervention:

Today, the twins have undergone a remarkable transformation. Their health is under control, and they are fully recovered from the grips of malnutrition. Regular medical and nutritional monitoring every two months ensures their continued well-being. They now enjoy a childhood filled with health and joy, a stark contrast to the fragile state in which they were discovered.


Fidel and Brayan’s story is a testament to the impact of initiatives like Hope of Life International’s medical intervention program. Through timely intervention and dedicated care, these twins not only survived but have thrived. As we celebrate their recovery, let their journey inspire us to continue supporting projects that bring hope and healing to those in need.

You can Help:

Consider making a difference in the lives of children like Fidel and Orlando! Support projects dedicated to nutritional recovery and comprehensive care. Your contribution can bring hope, health, and happiness to vulnerable children, families, and communities.